Home Watch – Frequency and Qualifications?

Home Watch – Frequency and Qualifications? PrefaceOwning 1-Stop Home Watch Service, a professional home watch company, I am often asked how frequently home watch visits should be performed. I will share from my experience and knowledge what you, as a seasonal homeowner, should consider when evaluating how often home watch visits should be performed and […]

Home Watch Myth

HOME WATCH MYTH Add a capful of vegetable oil to the garbage disposal or dishwasher to lubricate the seals so you don’t have to turn on and run water. It is well recognized that water is the number one cause of damage to a vacant home.  Homeowners rightfully turn the water off when they leave […]

Should You Use Damprid in Your Vacant Home or Auto?

Why DampRid should NOT be used in your Vacant Home or Auto I have increasingly been asked whether one should use DampRid as a means to control moisture in a vacant home or stored auto.  While the manufacturer doesn’t specifically refer to using their product as a means of moisture control for a vacant home […]

How to Turn Off the Main Home Water Valve


How to Turn Off the Main Home Water Valve I am sharing this information with prospective and active clients so they can better understand how to protect their investment in their second home when they are away by learning how to turn off the main water valve to their home.  See my SERVICES page to learn more […]